15-21 mmHg
In this category you will find stockings, stay-ups and tights for pregnant women. All products in this category are compression class 1 (mild compression). In general class 1 is recommended for pregnant women, unless otherwise is agreed with your doctor.

Compression stockings for pregnant women
In this category you will find great compression stockings for pregnant women who do not want to compromise on neither quality nor fashion. As a pregnant woman there are many good reasons for investing in a pair of compression stockings. First of all it can be a successful treatment of sore and tired legs which is a common problem amongst pregnant women. Pregnant women also often experience water retention; a pair of compression stockings can ease the swelling.
A pair of compression stockings provides extra pressure on legs and feet, which helps carrying the blood from the lower parts of your body and back to the heart. This will give a more comfortable everyday life, where it is not a struggle to get legs and feet going. This is why compression stockings are also beneficial if you are sitting still for longer periods of time as the increased pressure will keep your legs going.
Why is it necessary with compression stockings for pregnant women?
It is obvious that pregnant women experience increased pressure on legs and feet. This can be very bothersome, cause swelling, and not least make the legs sore and tired. This is why compression stockings are a very good investment which makes your everyday life better and ease the suffering.
Basically the support and compression stockings ensure a better circulation. This is caused by the extra pressure on the venous pumps which makes sure the blood is carried back to the heart. Under normal circumstances the pressure decreases the further away you get from the heart - a completely natural and logical development - however, this can be eased with a pair of efficient compression stockings
The selection of compression stockings for pregnant women on this site
We have a wide selection of compression stockings aimed at pregnant women which will improve your pregnancy considerably. In the selection you will find knee high and thigh high stockings and tights. As you can see the compression stockings vary in length, material and colour.
The knee high compression stockings stops just under the knee, thigh high sits mid-thigh, and the tights goes all the way up over the belly and can therefore be more comfortable in some situations. What you are looking for depends completely on your needs - all stockings provide optimal support, so you don't have to worry about tired or sore legs, varicose veins or blood clots.
Please contact us or a specialist, if you have questions regarding which stockings to choose. Furthermore, we have a size guide below each of the products, so you can find the right size for you. If you have problems reading the guide or have any other questions, please contact us.